Eis algumas citações do trabalho de Brad Johnson e Tammy Maxson McElroy:
"With easy access to cable television, music, video games, cell phones, movies, and all other multi media outlets, it is easy to see how culture can influence the education of students. But did you know that research suggests culture influences student learning more than formal education? This means we can no longer separate the classroom from the real world, but rather have to find ways to make learning relevant and applicable to the real world so that students are influenced by intellectual information rather than simply the pop culture of today, which has changed drastically over the past 30 years."
"The effective educator of today has to understand the importance of making education applicable to the lives of the students. Students have to understand the world in which they will live and understand how to survive and thrive in that world. The effective educator understands that part of her responsibility is to help the students become educated consumers."
E também fala do papel dos pais!
É uma boa leitura para o fim-de-semana!
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