Your precious children? The ones who had violin lessons and SAT tutors and years of orthodontia and organic lunches?
They are now sleeping under tarps, in the mud, rain and frigid temperatures, in an encampment that is home to an epic urban rat infestation. And their new neighbors are a sizable portion of the nation's hard-core homeless population. Next week hordes of them plan to Occupy Congress, a protest that could spark confrontations with the U.S. Capitol Police and lead to arrests.
They are now sleeping under tarps, in the mud, rain and frigid temperatures, in an encampment that is home to an epic urban rat infestation. And their new neighbors are a sizable portion of the nation's hard-core homeless population. Next week hordes of them plan to Occupy Congress, a protest that could spark confrontations with the U.S. Capitol Police and lead to arrests.
Os "precious children" são os filhos dos "helicopter parents", continua a reportagem:
These are the mothers and fathers who demanded laws for bike helmets, car seats and warning labels on every plastic bag and bucket in the universe. They had the home number of every teacher from preschool to college. And they've even been known to call up their grown kids' new bosses after junior didn't get a promotion.
But what happens when these highly groomed offspring go off and join the hundreds living in the Occupy movements camps? To whom do you file a complaint? Who gets the irate phone call?
But what happens when these highly groomed offspring go off and join the hundreds living in the Occupy movements camps? To whom do you file a complaint? Who gets the irate phone call?
Os "pais helicópteros" são mais do que "pais galinhas", são pais que supervisionam tudo na vida dos filhos, que os protegem, que acompanham o percurso escolar, que estudam com eles, que se pudessem faziam os seus trabalhos, que vão a uma entrevista de emprego com o filho e regateam as condições do contrato de trabalho propostas.
São os pais que, agora, se sentem impotentes por verem os filhos na rua, que não compreendem porque é que eles estão na rua, que pedem desesperadamente para que voltem para casa, que lhes ligam e mandam sms a pedir-lhes que abandonem a tenda, a luta e voltem. São também os que os visitam, participam na cozinha comunitária e os alimentam e que, no final do dia, agradecem pessoalmente aos polícias por terem prendido os filhos e por o terem feito de uma maneira correcta, não recebendo qualquer resposta em troca.
Por aqui continuo "mãe galinha", não imaginam o que foi a semana que passou, sem um pintainho debaixo da asa...
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